Book on women, infertility now in Tamil

Ms Mala Mahesh, the co-founder of shipping and logistics company Transworld Group Singapore, published her debut novel Padma in April 2022.

It told the tale of two Indian women from different centuries whose lives were torn apart after being embroiled in infertility issues.

Following a successful print run, with the book receiving a 4.5/5 rating on Amazon, Ms Mala decided to get it translated into Tamil, her native language.

The Tamil version of Padma was launched by Member of Parliament Vikram Nair on April 20 at the National Library Building in Singapore.

“I got the book translated mainly for my grandmother,” said Ms Mala. “She loves to read in Tamil. The ideas for the two stories in the book also came from her.

“If more people are to read my book, it has to be translated into different languages. The Hindu publishing group helped with the Tamil translation.”

For generations in India, the worth of a woman’s life has often been equated to her reproductive abilities, with little regard to how truly challenging the process of procreation can be.

Rarely have stories been told about difficult pregnancies, miscarriages and infertility – mainly because discussing the issues make people uncomfortable.

Ms Mala brought one of these taboo topics to the fore through Padma.

“Actually, infertility is a small part of the book, it is mainly about women empowerment; how a woman should be able to take some decisions on her own,” she said.

Through their company, Ms Mala and her husband Mahesh Sivasamy have set up a foundation in India which provides education to young girls.

“The institute teaches the basics, like computer literacy, which in turn help girls take up jobs in areas like data entry. The idea is to make them financially independent,” Ms Mala explained.

She has plans to write her second novel.

“There are a few ideas, but finding the time is a problem with my duties co-managing the company,” she said. “It will take me a while to put my thoughts into a book, and it is painstaking work.”

The Tamil version of Padma is available for purchase on Ms Mala’s website:

V.K. Santosh Kumar


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