Cure for sleepy eyes

Many healthy individuals suffer from heavy eyelids, which is usually due to fatigue or spending too much time in front of a computer screen.

Allergies, infections and certain medical conditions can also cause heavy, droopy eyelids.

After a long day at work, we generally feel our eyelids getting heavier, as if something is pulling them down. But what causes the eyes to get heavy?

“To understand this, it is important to understand the basic anatomy of the eye,” said Mumbai-based ophthalmologist and aesthetic surgeon Sneha Shah.

“The eyelids are comprised of thin layers of skin and muscles which play a crucial role in protecting its delicate structures from external elements like dust, debris and bright light. They also greatly contribute to the overall appearance and expressiveness of the face.

“The muscles around the eyes also experience fatigue after a long day of consistent use. This is particularly true for ocular and brow muscles since they are the most active during our waking hours. In general, the heaviness of the eyelids in otherwise healthy individuals is due to fatigue that these muscles experience during the hours we are awake.”

What causes sleepy eyes

Muscle fatigue: A prolonged period of staying awake can lead to a loss of tone and firmness in the eyelids, causing them to droop or sag.

Reduced blood flow and inactivity: These cause the eyes to feel heavy, bags to appear under the eyes and dark circles to form.

Stress and tension: Intense visual focus can strain the muscles around the eyes.

Facial expressions: When we feel tired, our facial muscles tend to slacken, leading to our expressions becoming less animated and lively.

All these can also occur as a result of ageing around the eyes. It may be accelerated by chronic exposure to the sun and the harmful light from our gadgets.

Treatment for sleepy eyes

Massage around the eyes: It can help release strain and make you feel better. This can be done by using your fingertips or gua sha (the practice of using a tool to apply pressure and scrape the skin to relieve pain and tension).

Get adequate sleep: Get at least eight hours of sleep a day to allow your body and eyes to rest and rejuvenate completely.

Stay hydrated: Drink lots of water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated, as dehydration can exacerbate the feelings of fatigue and heaviness in the eyes.

Take breaks from the screen: Take regular breaks from the screen to reduce eye strain. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet (6m) away for at least 20 seconds to give your eyes a break.

Apply cold compresses: Apply a cold compress or chilled cucumber slices to the eyes for a few minutes to reduce puffiness and soothe tired eyes. The cold temperature helps to constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation.

Impact of sleepy eyes on overall health

Sleepy eyes can result in difficulty in staying alert, decreased productivity and even safety hazards like impaired driving. Prolonged periods of inadequate sleep can also contribute to mood disturbances, such as irritability, anxiety and depression.

Indo-Asian News Service


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