Nourish body and mind

Whether working from home or office, toiling for long hours without breaks and physical activity can affect your body and vitality.

"It is important to achieve a healthy work-life balance to live a full life," said Ms Beenu Rajpoot, a noted filmmaker and Fit India Champion.

"But there are moments when you have to meet deadlines and cannot avoid spending a lot of time at your desk."

The fitness expert has suggestions that will not only nourish your body and mind but also increase productivity:

Reset body and brain

Between e-mails, meetings and calls, try to take a stroll, even for a few minutes. A little bit of movement will go a long way to ensure that your body and joints do not become too stiff.

Keep drinking water

People under pressure keep suppressing their thirst subconsciously which makes them dehydrated.

Sip water every hour or so to keep your body rich in fluids. This will improve blood circulation and keep blood pressure in check.

Oxygen intake

Take a few long breaths once in a while to ensure that your body is getting enough oxygen.

Learn yoga techniques that will help you maintain a constant energy level.

Do stretches

Regular stretches will help you avoid neck and back pain and keep your posture upright.

Choose an ergonomic chair and table to maintain good posture through long working hours.

Keep your space clean

Avoid too much clutter around your working space.

Clutter affects the mind. Practice the yogic principle of Aparigraha or minimalism.

Get enough sun

Exposure to sunlight not only enriches your Vitamin D level but it also boosts your immune system. Otherwise, it can lead to major health issues.

Rest your eyes

Every half an hour do the simple yoga technique of palming: Rub your palms together and cover your eyes with them. Your eyes will feel immediately energised.

Indo-Asian News Service


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