Over 10,000 participants in Chingay 2023

Set to take place on Feb 3 and 4 next year, 2023 Chingay Parade will involve 10,000 residents and artists, including more than 3,000 performers. The event started in 1972 as a way to bring cheer to Chinese New Year festivities amid the firecracker ban but has evolved to become Singapore's biggest multicultural celebration.

The 2023 parade will mark the return of colourful large-sized floats and the National Education show for primary school pupils will also return after a two-year hiatus.

"Chingay has always been about the people, about bringing people together to celebrate our unique and multi-faceted cultural mix," said Mr Lim Hock Yu, chief executive director of the People's Association.

The theme of Chingay 2023 is Embrace Tomorrow, calling on all Singaporeans to treasure the present and look to the future of the nation with hope.

The Straits Times


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